We do 4 things in Kids for the One. It’s pretty simple. Love Jesus. Make Friends. Help Others. Have Fun. These are the values we are instilling in children every Sunday through our Tinys (Nursery), Littles (Preschool), and Bigs (Elementary) classes, as well as our excellent Check In team.

We believe that God has entrusted us with children and their families, and we want to steward them well. When children attend One Chapel Kids our desire is for them to be safe, to have fun and to experience the life of Jesus. You can be a part of changing a kid’s life, and their family, forever.

This is important work so our application process is a little longer than other teams. But that’s only because our Kids are worth it. This is one of the most rewarding places to serve, and we’d love to have you on the team. Click the link, fill out the application, and let’s get started.