40 Days to Easter:
A Season of Prayer and Consecration
Resurrection life is waiting. Jesus has offered it to us. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing. Will you come? Will you receive? All that is required is a humble heart and a faith-filled surrender. Join in the historic practices of God's people during this Easter Season. Prayer, worship, Scripture, and Fasting means we lay everything down...yield to his way...and in exchange receive the most vibrant and powerful life God has for us!
Team One Rally ATX
April 6th at 1pm
Lets gather together the teams of Austin for training & community! We will start right after 2nd service in Austin in the flex room. Food will be provided. If you are interested in joining a team, check it out below:
Good Friday
April 18th at 7pm
An all church event gathered at the Austin campus on April 18th at 7pm for a time of worship & reflection on the great sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Easter Sunday
April 20th
Easter is one of our favorite Sundays of the year… where everyone gathers across our One Chapel communities to worship the resurrection of Jesus. This year expect a welcoming atmosphere, incredible music, and gripping retelling of the Gospel story. Dress up in your Sunday best or come in what’s comfortable. It’ll be a memorable day with laughter, Scripture, and worship.
Neon Donut Party
April 27th at all Campuses
One Chapel Kids is throwing a party on April 27th, the Sunday after Easter. It’s our annual Neon Donut Party. Along with our regular worship and Bible story, we’ll eat some donuts, wear a crazy amount of glow sticks and have a whole lot of fun. We hope to see your kids there.
OC Youth Camp 2025
June 16 - 19
This Summer, 7th - 12th grade students will embark on another big adventure together. We'll pack up our stuff and head to Camp Buckner in Burnet, TX for an incredible experience with Jesus. Something great happens when we set aside time to be with Him. He transforms and empowers us to be his witnesses in our generation. Powerful encounters, life-long friendships, and crazy fun await!
Wednesday Nights
Join us Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm at our Austin and Lake Travis campuses.
You can find formational groups to help you grow. If you’re looking for a group this is your perfect first step. These groups are designed to help you meet others and practice the ways of Jesus together.
Acts 2:42
OC Youth
Young Adults
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Every Wednesday at 6:30am
We’re continuing to gather as a church family and pray together. You’re invited to an all-campus prayer meeting. Click the link to join us all on Zoom as we connect and pray together.