Team One is made up of all the people who use their gifts and talents to make One Chapel a friendly, passionate, and well-connected local church. Whether it's setting up equipment on Sundays, helping in a Kids class, or leading a Group, God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can touch the lives of others.


Team 101

At Team 101, you can speak with a Team One Director and find out more about the vision, logistics, and details about how our teams work. Team 101 happens the second Sunday of every month after service.





Fill out and application by clicking the button below and completing the form. It’ll just take a minute.


Safety is a high priority at One Chapel. We conduct background checks (at no cost to you) for all teams. Background check results don't necessarily preclude you from serving on a team.


We'll schedule a quick interview with one our team leaders to hear your story, find out about your talents, and place you on a team.


Once you're on a team, we'll get you scheduled and connect you with members of the team. You'll learn the ins and outs of that team and build community while serving others.



Here are brief descriptions of the teams that serve across the landscape of One Chapel.

GREETERS: This team opens doors, hands out name tags, and personally greets everyone who comes to One Chapel.

USHERS: This team focuses on welcoming guests to our sanctuary, making sure everyone has a seat, and serving communion during service.

WORSHIP: This is a team of talented and passionate musicians and vocalists who lead our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings and other One Chapel gatherings.

ONE CHAPEL KIDS: Our kids team creates a clean and safe environment for our kids. This team takes care of families, leads worship with kids, and makes the Bible come to life for students of all ages.

OC YOUTH: This team invests in relationships with middle school and high school students, facilitates meetings, and disciples teenagers who are the church of tomorrow and today.

SET UP & BREAK DOWN: It takes a lot to get everything ready for Sunday. This incredible team ensures everything is in places for Sunday and that it all gets put back after services is over.

TECH: This team handles on-screen visuals, audio engineering, and lighting production to craft an experience for people to fully engage in all aspects of services.

MEDIA: This team captures moments and brings the world into them through photography, video, and livestream service production.

COFFEE & HOSPITALITY: This team brews the coffee, preps the stations, and takes care of Team One snacks. Church with coffee is a wonderful experience and we're thankful that this team makes that happen.

PRAYER: This team stands at the front of the room at the end of our services to pray with individuals and families, listen to stories, and share an encouraging word.

INTERPRETATION TEAM: This team greets at the "Bienvenidos" table, passes out radios, and translates our services for Spanish speakers at One Chapel.

GROUP HOSTS: Group hosts create community throughout the city by bringing people together in small groups during the week.



Team One members are expected to follow the Honor Code and familiarize themselves with the Team One Values. We aim to help create a safe place where people are known, loved, and pointed to Jesus. The guidelines in these documents help us level up our intention and purpose in serving our community. Click to view or download.



Scheduling for teams is done through Planning Center. Click the link below to download the mobile app.