Campus Giving
We believe giving is at the heart of the message of the Gospel. John 3:16 says, "God loved the world so much that He gave..." While money can be a sensitive issue in the context of church, it is also one of the best determining factors on the disposition of our hearts, according to Jesus (Matthew 6:19).
If you have questions about giving, ask your campus pastor or contact us by email at
Click a campus below to give:
Tithely App
This is the method we use for online giving. After signing in or creating an account, simply search for "One Chapel" and select the campus you would like to give to. You can give a one-time gift or setup recurring gifts.
Download the app:
Financial Summary
If you’ve given to One Chapel and are interested in seeing more detailed financials, you’ll find them here. We believe in transparency. If you have further questions, or would like an updated summary, ask your campus pastor or email
Legacy Offering
This is one time a year where we rally together to take a giant step forward as a church in the most practical way possible — our finances!
We trust God’s provision for One Chapel, and we also want to share the experience of growing in our faith together.
This year we are considering how we might become more of a CITY ON A HILL with the buildings and property that God has given us. We are dreaming about how we put our resources together to meet more needs, not just on Sunday, but all through the week!
- Pastor Ross Parsley
Our Giving Philosophy
People Are Most Important
As a church, people are the focus of everything we do, not their money. We don't view things through the lens of a donor base, giving units or pet projects for those with money. We want everyone who comes to feel welcome, whether or not you give financially toward our cause.
Financial Giving Is First And Foremost About Worship
Some people give out of duty, others give as an investment to get something back, but neither is the biblical mandate for giving. Giving is an act of worship between you and God and therefore should not be done out of compulsion or guilt (Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 9:6-8).
We Prefer To See It As What We Give Out, Not What We Bring In
Those who generously contribute to One Chapel know that it is to benefit the people who walk in the doors and the community where we live. Plus we believe in supporting church plants nationally and around the world. For more on who we support check out our missions page.
Life Isn’t About Money, But It Is Necessary In Society
We wish we lived in a utopian society where we could get free use of facilities and unlimited free data packages on cell phones. But the reality is that we have budgeted items that need to be funded to keep things moving along. We're doing our best to work with a lean budget that reflects what we feel is important to God.
Open Book Policy On Financial Management
Things are pretty straightforward. Ask us. We'll show you.