Liberty Hill

811 Main Street, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Sundays: 9:30 & 11:30am

We’d love to meet you.

Adjacent to three of the fastest-growing communities in Texas, Liberty Hill is poised to be the next frontier for the region’s population boom. In a renovated 90-year-old historic church building, One Chapel Liberty Hill stands at the intersection of God’s faithfulness and a bold declaration for the future, where lives are restored to God's intended purpose.

  • Coffee with the pastors

    Coffee with the Pastors

    Your first step at One Chapel happens the 1st Sunday every month.

  • Team 101

    Team 101

    Find out more about joining our service teams. This happens the 2nd Sunday of every month.

  • Serve Day

    Serve Day

    March 1st 8am - 12pm

    Click the link for the projects we have with the local mission partners and sign up!

Darren & Jennifer Shaw


Darren and Jennifer joined One Chapel in 2021, and have served in local church leadership most of their lives. They love helping people grow in their relationships with God and others, and empowering people to move forward in what God is calling them to do.

Liberty Hill Groups

Liberty Hill Team

Worship Director

 Adrian Gonzalez 

Team One Director

 Tony DeYoung 

OC YTH Leaders

Madison & Dom Hull

Tiffany Ashby

Kids Director

Prayer Director

 Paula Gonzalez 

Missions Directors

Julie & Kevin Basham

Groups Director

     Pam Teel     

Facility Office Manager

Rebecca Wallace

Biblical Counseling Center

The Liberty Hill campus is excited to offer a Biblical Counseling Center with four certified Biblical Counselors ready to serve our community. Interested in becoming a counselor or need counseling? Reach out to Pam Teel.