Seek First - Day 2 - 1000 x 1000 .jpg

“…Hallowed be Your name…” - Matthew 6:9 (NKJV)

This phrase may seem a little antiquated, but the language is beautiful. The word “hallowed” means to be greatly revered and honored. The New Living Translation says, “May Your name be kept holy.” This is a simple yet profound declaration of worship toward the Lord. Worship is our way of deeply honoring the Lord and positioning our hearts in a posture of humility toward Him. Every day should be filled with praise that declares the Lord is worthy of honor and reverence for Who He is. 

This piece of The Lord’s Prayer is not merely a declaration of praise toward the Father, it is also instructional for us. Those of us who claim the name “Christian” or “Christ-follower” wear the name of the Lord. We are the physical representation of Him to the world around us. 

The way we speak, the way we treat others, and the way we act—in public and in private—is a representation of the name of the Lord. When we pray, “Lord, may Your name be kept holy,” we are also praying, “Lord, would the way that I speak, the way that I think, and the way that I act bring a holy reflection on Your name. When people look at me, I pray that they do not see me but rather You shining through.” This is the essence of worship.

Worship is the way we are transformed into being the carriers of God’s presence. In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant was the carrier of God’s presence. In the New Testament, the manifestation of God’s presence came through Jesus. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, He said that He was sending His Spirit to give us power and make us witnesses (Acts 1:8). Today, we are the carriers of God’s presence, we bear His name, and we are His temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20). That holiness is something we bring with us into our workplaces, our schools, and our families. Representing the Lord’s kingdom is a weighty responsibility; however, we were never called to do it in our own strength. The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk out a holy representation of His name. What an amazing responsibility the Lord has entrusted to us!

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Father, You are worthy of all of my praise, all of my worship, and all of my honor because of who You are. You are just, You are loving, You are faithful, and Your thoughts toward me cannot be counted. Thank You for wanting to be with me constantly and sending Your Holy Spirit to go with me always. And thank You for entrusting me with the responsibility of carrying Your presence and representing Your name. Would You give me the wisdom and grace that I need each moment of each day to be a truthful and authentic representation of You to the world around me? Amen.