40 Days to Easter

A Season of Prayer & Consecration

Resurrection life is waiting. Jesus has offered it to us. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing. Will you come? Will you receive? All that is required is a humble heart and a faith-filled surrender. Join in the historic practices of God's people during this Easter Season. Prayer, worship, Scripture, and Fasting means we lay everything down...yield to his way...and in exchange receive the most vibrant and powerful life God has for us!

Participate with us in this season through these practices…

Ash Wednesday

March 5th at 7pm

You don't want to miss our special Ash Wednesday Service happening March 5th at each campus! This also marks the beginning of Lent and 40 Days to Easter: A Season of Prayer and Consecration. See you there!

Good Friday

April 18th at 7pm

An all church event gathered at the Austin campus on April 18th at 7pm for a time of worship & reflection on the great sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Easter Sunday

April 20th

Easter is one of our favorite Sundays of the year… where everyone gathers across our One Chapel communities to worship the resurrection of Jesus. This year expect a welcoming atmosphere, incredible music, and gripping retelling of the Gospel story. Dress up in your Sunday best or come in what’s comfortable. It’ll be a memorable day with laughter, Scripture, and worship.